Saturday, May 21, 2011

Scan Directly to Evernote Without a Compatible Scanner

I know this post will be way out of order for my Evernote series, but I am way too excited to not share!

There is a way to utilize a 'non-supported' scanner to scan directly into Evernote on a Mac. I have a Neat Portable Scanner, and before today, I had to scan into the NeatWorks software, export as a PDF, and then add to Evernote. However, I found this on the Evernote blog and have tried it out.  It works!

The setup is quite simple1:

  1. Start ‘Image Capture’ – it is a free application that comes with OS X (/Applications/Image Capture)
  2. If your scanner is supported (and turned on) you will see a window similar to the one in the screenshot above
  3. Set the quality of the scan to either B/W or Color Photo (depending on what you are scanning)
  4. Give your scan a title
  5. Choose PNG, JPEG as the format. If you would rather scan to PDF, keep in mind that images in PDFs will not be recognized by our image recognition
  6. Select ‘Evernote’ as the Automatic Task – this is the key step in this process (NOTE: My 'Image Capture' did not have an option for 'Automatic Task', so I just selected Evernote as the 'Scan to'.)
  7. And click ‘Scan’ – that’s all

1 Here is the link to their blog post that I took this info from: CLICK HERE

If you are just getting started with Evernote, then I highly recommend you purchase Evernote Essentials to save you days of learning.  Buy it now, thank me later.


Angelo Gonzalez said...

This is huge. I was looking at Michael Hyatt's blog and he posted something similar but said you had to have an Evernote Compatible Scanner...upwards of $200!! I just did this process with my 5 year old HP all-in-one scanner/printer and it worked! Thanks dawg, this helps a bunch!

Casey Cease said...

Angelo - Hyatt's blog is what made me frustrated (not him personally), but that the scanner I purchased and love does not work with Evernote. So, I did some more searching and found this solution.